Everything About Pet

First Few Things To Teach Your New Puppy

Congratulations to the new parents! Along with your love, care and nurturing, the puppy will indeed require some training. Here are the first few things you should teach your new puppy. Puppies have just entered the world, they are starting to explore and understand their surroundings.

In order to adapt positively to their environment, a puppy will require your help. In order to teach them a few tips and tricks about life, you’ll have to utilize positive reinforcement to discipline and train them.


Control Over The Bladder

Each puppy will take its own time to adapt to their potty training. Due to a small bladder, most puppies need to pee in about every 2 hours. One efficient way to train them is to tether your puppy. So, as and when they get an urge to pee they will make some noise, take them outside than to finish their business. After some repeat application, the puppy will start understanding how to react when he/she feels the urge to pee.

Control over the bladder


What Expectable and What’s Not

Small babies do not know their right from the wrongs and neither did the puppies. As they grow – up, you’ll need to make them understand this distinction. Puppies understand appreciation and anger, so appreciate when they do good things like sitting on command and scold or show anger when they do some bad things like barking or jumping.

Indeed a laborious process, but once you and your puppy get the hang of it, he/she will know will know the drill and things will run smoothly henceforth.

What expectable and what’s not


Eye Contact

You can’t understand their language, so communication exchange between you and your dog happens through your eyes. Allowing them to look into your eyes and read your happiness and anger, will construct a trust bond between you two.  Your dog will take commands depending upon the said trust level.

Eye contact


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