Everything About Pet

German Shepherds & Skin Disease

German shepherds may have a hereditary connect to certain skin maladies. While it may not be possible to completely cure all genetic skin conditions, it is possible to manage them with medication. It is important to the health of your…

Blisters in Dogs Ears

There are a variety of conditions that may cause blisters to appear in your dog's ears. While the majority of these conditions are easy to treat, occasionally the appearance of blisters may be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.…

Causes of Cancer in Dogs

Cancer is a "multifactorial" disease, meaning that there is not one single cause, according to the ASPCA. Diet and hereditary are two major causes of canine cancer, but some dogs develop cancer as their body weakens with age. Malignancy…

Labrador With Mange Disease

The Labrador Retriever is a popular breed of dog that is known for its energetic and boisterous temperament. Unfortunately, they are notoriously sensitive to environmental allergens and suffer from autoimmune disorders that make localized…

Pet Calming Medications

Modern veterinary medicine has discovered medications that are safe to use for calming pets. Some of these calming medications are the same ones used for humans who have anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders. Although…