Everything About Pet

Diseases of Australian Cattle Dogs

The Australian cattle dog is an intelligent, hardworking dog. One of its ancestors is the wild Australian dingo, and those genes can still be seen in the Aussie's naturally athletic body and short, straight coat. The Australian cattle dog…

How to Know If Your Pet Has Rabies

Rabies attacks the central nervous system. It lives in the saliva of infected animals, and the disease can transmit through a bite. Since the disease spreads among mammals, it is possible for humans to contract rabies. Changes in behavior…

Artemisinin for Dog Cancer

Dog's with cancer can experience debilitating, painful symptoms. Cancer can completely ruin your dog's internal cell structure and shorten his life expectancy. Fortunately, advances in conventional and holistic medicine provide new…

What Is Canine Nuclear Sclerosis?

If your aging dog's eyes develop a blue haze, he's likely developed canine nuclear sclerosis. Also known as lenticular sclerosis, it's a normal condition in older eyes, canine or human. However, a blue sheen over the lenses could mean your…

Diseases of the Brain in Dogs

Dogs suffering from diseases of the brain are frequently confused and frightened by the changes taking place in their bodies. Owners are often fearful and feel helpless watching their beloved companions suffer. Many diseases of the brain…

Dog Allergies & Bumps

Some allergens in a dog's environment or his diet can cause superficial bumps on a dog's skin. Besides being unsightly, they're likely itchy and uncomfortable for the dog, causing him to scratch. If bumps appear on your dog's skin, consult…